The spine comprises three segments. The western segment is conceptualized as the ‘Cultural Zone’. It features a museum with exhibitions curated around the phenomenon of water. The main entrance to the Wibautstraat metro station is also located within the museum. Flanking the museum are a public plaza and green space that feature absorptive surfaces for water collection. They function as both public and event space while increasing access across the railway. Designated adjacent blocks are densified with commercial and residential uses to take advantage of the proximity to the metro station.
The middle segment is characterized by adjacent residential blocks. It is conceived as the ‘Residential Zone’ and comprises amenities such as basketball courts and a swimming pool that are connected to the elevated walkway and serve the residents in the neighborhood.
The eastern segment is characterized by the Muiderpoort railway station, adjacent mixed-use buildings and schools. It is conceived as the ‘Educational Zone’. Above the railway track is the Muiderpoort station coupled with a library to serve the schools and residents in the vicinity. Designated adjacent blocks are densified with commercial and mixed-use buildings, also to take advantage of the proximity to the railway station.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Commercial, Retail, Residential
Luke Tan, Aticha Siriphand